Torres is her father's last name. He was born in Cuba so it's simply a family name of Spanish / Hispanic origin.
Tico Torres is the drummer in Bon Jovi
Your baby's name is what it appears.
The Spanish last name "Torres" means "towers" in English. It is a common surname that denotes a person who lived near a tower or fortress.
In the novel "Lupita Mañana," Lupita's last name is said to be Guadalupe.
The last name Torres comes from portuguese, Galician, Jewish, and Spanish places (mostly Spanish tho) Torres means tower so mabye your ancestries used to own a tower, since in Spain they named people accusing to what they owned or what they had done
Dara Torres's birth name is Dara Grace Torres.
Eve Torres. her first name is real, but she just didnt include her last name :|
randy Torres is fat and nooby and he is sucky at cod mw2
Jeff Torres's birth name is Jeffrey D. Torres.