Newfoundland is on the time zone of UTC - 3:30. Kickoff of the Super Bowl is traditionally at 1830 EST or UTC-5, making it 2000 in Newfoundland.
The Super Bowl kickoff time in Seattle, Washington will be at 3:30 PM PST.
Super Bowl kickoff is always late and its suppose to accommodate to to all people that works 9-5pm
Kickoff for the 2008 Super Bowl is about 6:15 pm EST.
The kickoff is at 6:30 pm eastern time.
The Super Bowl kickoff time in Hawaiian Time will be at 1:30 PM.
Kickoff for Super Bowl XLV will be around 5:25 Central.
The kickoff of Super Bowl XLV is at 5:25 CST.
6:40 pm
6:30 EST
6;30 eastern time
The last daytime kickoff for a Super Bowl was on January 12, 1975, for Super Bowl IX. Since then, all subsequent Super Bowls have started in the late afternoon or evening.