Yes it is.
Rex Burkhead plays for the Cincinnati Bengals.
Their colors are blue and orange. Rex Grossman and Brian Urlacher are 2 players on the team.They are playing the Cincinnati Bengals tomorrow.
Rex Smith debuted on May 31, 1886, playing for the Cincinnati Red Stockings at League Park I in Cincinnati; he played his final game on July 11, 1886, playing for the Philadelphia Athletics at Jefferson Street Grounds.
Rex Brothers is number 49 on the Colorado Rockies.
The phone number of the T-Rex Museum is: 520-792-2884.
He is number 22
In 1886, Rex Smith played in 1 game for the Cincinnati Red Stockings. He had 4 at bats, getting 1 hits, for a .250 batting average, with 0 runs batted in. He was walked 0 times. He struck out times. He hit only singles.
The phone number of the T Rex Natural History Museum is: 307-655-3359.
Rex Smith played in just one game at pitcher for the Cincinnati Red Stockings in 1886 and did not start. He made no putouts, had one assist, and committed no errors, equivalent to 0 errors per game (estimate based on total games played in). He had no double plays.
Rex Ryan does not have an official fan phone number or any other ways for fans to contact him. If one becomes available the answer will be updated.