PCT is generally an abbreviation for "percent" or "percentage". For example: FT PCT would be a players "Free Throw Percent"; and so on for Three pointers and Field goals.
SOme pct us and some pct just me and some pct some on.
pct is the winning percentage=wins/total games
PCT Gazette was created in 1978.
PCT Newsletter was created in 1994.
PCT must be a per cent. I guess 'tax PCT' is a per cent of the product price that you pay in tax
Blue book price depending on condition 100 pct $200, 98 pct $160, 95 pct $145, 90 pct $135
Depending on condition, Blue Book shows 100 pct $250, 98 pct $225, 95 pct 200, 90 pct $175, etc
I'm a PCT in Oklahoma at a hospital and I started out with $10.75
I Want pct national exam question and answer
That depends on what pct it is. For example: fielding pct is put outs+assists divided by fielding opportunities (put outs+assists+errors). Win pct is wins divided by wins+losses. Hope that answers your question!
PCT is Processing Control Table Yes PCT stands mentioned above - But it defines a set of control tables. where each PCT will point to one Account control table,Insurance Table, Service charge table and 12 Interest Tables. we can PCT at System,org and logo level's simultaneously.