It was in the early 1900's, 1921 exactly. They lost to Oberlin 7-6.
Braddock loss left the British colonists in the Ohio Valley without protection.
In most states the rate is 66.2/3 % based on your last month's earnings.
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Ohio State was 6-7 in 2011, the last time Ohio State lost more games than it won in a single season.
Ohio University
i asked the question and did not get an answer.
Through the 2008 season, Alabama and Ohio State have met three times with Alabama winning all three games: 1) 1978: Alabama 35, Ohio State 6 2) 1986: Alabama 16, Ohio State 10 3) 1995: Alabama 24, Ohio State 17
In "The last of mohicans" Hawkeys suffers a great loss which makes him set off a quest. which kind of loss was this?
Ohio State has an edge since 1950. The records are (Ohio State) 29-27-5 (Michigan) 27-29-5
Florida State is 3 - 0 versus Ohio State per
1996 they lost to Ohio State 72-0.