Nigel Bradham plays for the Buffallo Bills.
Nigel Bradham plays Line Back for the Buffallo Bills.
The phone number of the Nigel Sprouse Memorial Library is: 308-386-2610.
Nigel De Jong wears number 34 Craig Bellanmy Wears number 39 MAN CITY RULE
Nigel de Jong wore jersey number 6 in the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
The cast of Nigel - 2010 includes: Nigel Harris as Nigel
Nigel Farage's birth name is Nigel Paul Farage.
Nigel Lythgoe goes by Nasty Nigel.
Nigel is not a character from the books. But there is Nigel in the movies (Gof, OOTP). He is Potter's fans, Harry is Nigel's idol.
2.5 miles + d miles = number of miles chaz ran
Nigel Tangye's birth name is Nigel Trevithick Tangye.
Nigel Clarke was born in 1960.