The trophy awarded to the World Series winner is called the Commissioner's Trophy and is small in stature compared to the Stanley Cup.
Also unlike the the Stanley Cup, a new Commissioner's Trophy is awarded each season, where as the Stanley Cup is passed on to the next winner every season.
The NBA championship trophy is called the Larry O'Brien Trophy.
A new one is presented to the champions every year and it looks like a Basketball about to go through a net.
The Stanley Cup is massive, it has all of the winners names engraved on it, past and present, and the same Cup is passed around to the next winner year after year.
There are 30 flags because there are 30 Major League Baseball teams.
It is called the Commissioner's Trophy and has been awarded to World Series championship teams since 1967. It is made of sterling silver by Tiffany & Co, and features 30 flags on a base, representing all major league baseball teams.
major league baseball
Yep, Major League Baseball or MLB.
Major Baseball League
No. Major League Baseball is real.
major league baseball is the hightest baseball league with the best players
Major league baseball is hardball.
Major League Baseball.
MLB may stand for several different things. It is most commonly understood to stand for "Major League Baseball", a baseball organization popular in the United States. In business and accounting it stands for "Material, Labor, Burden."
There are no MLB major league professional baseball teams in Wyoming. There is a minor league baseball team called the Casper Rockies, a Pioneer League team.
Major League Baseball. It was founded in the late 1800's