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Speed, strength, ball-handling, passing, rebounding, shotblocking, stealing, midrange jump shooting, finishing inside, 3-point shooting, clutch scoring, leadership and intense but marketable temperament. That's about it. THAT IS JUST ABOUT IT ALL HE IS A VERY HARD WORKER AND FINISHES EVERY GAME 100% NO MATTER IF THEY ARE UP BY 30 OR DOWN BY 10.HE SCORES THIRTY POINTS A GAME BUT IS A VERY UNSELFISH PLAYER IN A SENSE THAT HE IS A GOOD PASSER AND HAS GOOD VISION. THAT IS ABOUT IT.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Standing roughly at 6.5 ft and that muscular body he is indeed very strong. I agree but he is actually 6' 8" weighing at 250 lbs and he averages 29 points a game while Kobe only averages 28 points a game.

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14y ago

Reading King James in the Old Testament @KINGJAMES.

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12y ago

soft, unclutch, unreliable, overrated, worthless

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15y ago

skillz that killz man

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13y ago

He is very good.

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14y ago

his game face

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