Johnny Damon's birth name is Johnny David Damon.
Johnny Damon was born on November 5, 1973.
johnny Damon is a go outfielder
His middle name is David. Johnny David Damon
Johnny Damon was number 18.
Johnny Damon played for the Detroit Tigers in 2010.
Johnny Pacar plays Damon on Make it or Break it.
Johnny Damon is in good health. He passed his physical and is now playing for the Detroit Tigers.
Johnny Damon goes by The Caveman, and Johnny Cash (by Red Sox fans).
No, he used to. Johnny Damon is currently a member of the Tampa Bay Rays.
She is currently not married. She was engaged to Johnny Depp for 3 years until the split in the 90's. She also dated Matt Damon in the 90's.