Brian Billick was the head coach of the Baltimore Ravens in 2000.
John Harbaugh was the head coach of the Baltimore Ravens in 2008.
Baltimore Ravens head coach, John Harbaugh, was born on September 23, 1962.
The Baltimore Ravens have had 3 coaches in history: Ted Marchibroda, Brian Billick, and presently John Harbaugh.
Jim Harbaugh is the coach of the San Francisco 49ers, John Harbaugh is the coach of Baltimore Ravens
John Urschel plays Guard for the Baltimore Ravens.
John Urschel plays for the Baltimore Ravens.
John Simon plays for the Baltimore Ravens.
John Simon plays Line Back for the Baltimore Ravens.
Currently, it is John Harbaugh for the 2011/2012 season.
Baltimore Ravens head coach John Harbaugh is older than 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh by 15 months.
No - Baltimore Ravens coach John Harbaugh is 15 months older than younger brother Jim Harbaugh, coach of the 49ers.