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Hyun-Jin Ryu is number 99 on the Los Angeles Dodgers.

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Q: What is Hyun-Jin Ryu's number on the Los Angeles Dodgers?
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What does ryu means?

ryu mean dragon it also mean way or path. In Japanese Martial Arts, ryu refers to style or school of martial art. For example, there are sword schools with different styles which would be considered different ryus. Ryu in hayashi means association.

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Did the Samurai train by themselves?

Forget what you've seen in animes; no Samurai children ever trained on their own, they always trained in groups. Martial arts schools known as "Ryus," were exclusive, serving only the Samurai, and funded by whatever regional lord. The majority of them were comprehensive teaching all weapons of the day and later on, including the musket.

What fighting skills did Samurai use?

Samurai studied various ryus of Jujutsu, Kyudo (Archery), Iaido, and Kenjutsu(weapon arts). The highest caste of samurai learned Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu, which, invariably, had the best unarmed techniques of all Japanese unarmed arts of the day. They certainly didn't practice judo or karate. Remember, not only was karate a fledgling art at the time (the styles come from Jujutsu, which had just been formalized to coincide with the advent of samurai), just a Judo was derived much later from Jujutsu to be a non-violent martial sport. Kendo was derived from the arts of the samurai after the Meiji Restoration in 1868, so quite some time after the samurai era. Bushido is a code of conduct, a way of life, a philosophy; it refers to the set of concepts, traditions, and precedents that provide an overall framework for the behavior of the samurai, and is not a martial art (Dee-dee-dee!). Samurai couldn't have studied Aikido either, as hadn't invented it until the early 1900's by Ueshiba Morihei.

Is akuma from street fighter ryu?

Well i'd say there is a good chance, after watching the anime street fighter alpha generations. It is inferred once in the alpha movie and more again in alpha generations, but is not necessarily canon. All we know for certain is that Gouki killed Goutetsu, master of Gouki and Gouken, and Gouken, master of Ken and Ryu (but not really, since Gouken makes an appearance in SF4). And no, Gouki didn't change his name to Akuma because of any similarities with the name Gouken, it was changed when the game was brought to America because "Gouki" didn't sound demonic enough.