Will Harris is number 38 on the Arizona Diamondbacks.
The phone number of the Arizona Diamondbacks is: 602-462-3430.
A.J. Pollock is number 11 on the Arizona Diamondbacks.
Aaron Hill is number 2 on the Arizona Diamondbacks.
Brad Ziegler is number 29 on the Arizona Diamondbacks.
Brandon McCarthy is number 32 on the Arizona Diamondbacks.
Bronson Arroyo is number 61 on the Arizona Diamondbacks.
Chase Anderson is number 57 on the Arizona Diamondbacks.
Cliff Pennington is number 4 on the Arizona Diamondbacks.
Daniel Hudson is number 41 on the Arizona Diamondbacks.
David Hernandez is number 30 on the Arizona Diamondbacks.
David Peralta is number 6 on the Arizona Diamondbacks.