Fernando Torres is 26 years old and his birthday is 20th march 1984.
Fernando Torres's wife is called Olalla Dominguez and she is 25 years old and was born on the 1st of January 1985.
His daughter is called Nora and she is 2 and she was born on 8th July 2009. when she was born she weighed 8lb 4oz.
Fernando torres's nickname is el Nino which means the kid in spanish.
Fanxs for reading Threnny x
Fernando Torres...
Luis Fernando Torres's birth name is Luis Fernando Madriz Torres.
Fernando Torres' full real name is Fernando José Torres Sanz
Fernando Torres middle name is Jose His full name is Fernando Jose Torres Sanz, so practcally he has 2 middle name's Torres and Jose!
Fernando Jose Torres Sanz
ya mam ya mam
José Torres.
israel Torres
adriane Torres
It is Jose Torres.
Leo Torres
Fernando Jose Torres