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Dragon Fable is an online RPG (role playing game) where you run around (literally-- more on this later), doing quests and fighting monsters. It's created by Artix Entertainment.

Unlike Adventure Quest, another RPG created by Artix Entertainment, you move around by clicking on the ground. In Adventure Quest, (AQ) you cannot move. Well-- you know what I mean.

You start at level one, but right after the first quest you become Level Two. *do-dee-do-daaa!* You level up by filling up an XP bar. (XP= experience points.) You fill up the bar by fighting monsters, which also gives you gold so you can buy cool weapons and pets.

Dragon Amulets cost real money, but they are like what a membership is to Club Penguin. It lets you go to (or, specifically, your avatar) special places, but special things, and it also gives you 200 DragonCoins.

If you need more information, just look it up! I hope I helped you!

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