Cliff Stoudt was born March 27, 1955.
The phone number of the Cliff Island Library is: -3.
Cliff Pennington is number 4 on the Arizona Diamondbacks.
Cliff Avril is number 56 on the Seattle Seahawks.
Cliff Lee is number 33 on the Philadelphia Phillies.
Cliff Matthews is number 98 on the Atlanta Falcons.
The phone number of the Sea Cliff Village Library is: 516-671-4290.
The phone number of the Sea Cliff Village Museum is: 516-671-0090.
The phone number of the Cliff Cave Branch is: 314-994-3300.
Cliff Richard - his fourth number one
The phone number of the Rock Cliff Nature Center is: 435-782-3030.
The phone number of the North Oak Cliff Branch Library is: 214-670-7555.