He is known for a being a Philadelphia Philly that gets hits by a pitch very often.
Chase Utley's birth name is Chase Cameron Utley.
Chase Utley is number 26 on the Philadelphia Phillies.
chase utley was born in pasadena California
Chase Utley is a well known professional baseball player. His fan mail address is; Chase Utley, Wasserman Media Group Llc., 10960 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 2200, Los Angeles CA 90024.
Chase Utley's dog is named Jack
Chase Utley was born on December 17, 1978.
Chase Utley was born on December 17, 1978.
Chase Utley was raised in Long Beach, CA.
Mr. and Mrs. Utley...
dan and kate utley
MLB player Chase Utley throws right.
MLB player Chase Utley bats left.