Chad Johnson
4.57 seconds
(See Spanish dictionary)
Thad Ehresman,he named it after his nickname his older brother gave him.
Chan Chany Chandu Chan-a-reno Chancy "C" Chad
Chad does have a crush on Sonny, the pair share their first kiss in the episode "Sonny with a Kiss" and they go to start dating in the episode "Falling for the Falls". The nickname for the pair of lovebirds is "Channy".
Lake chad!!Lake chad!!Lake chad!!Lake chad!!Lake chad!!Lake chad!!Lake chad!!Lake chad!!
Chad the Chad
he has all ready he sung chad chad Chaddy chad chad on Dakotas birthday
Despit Cameroun, Nigeria and Niger bordering lake Chad but the bigger part of Lake Chad is In Chad that is why is called Lake Chad.
Chad Cleven goes by The Chad.
Chad Peralta goes by Chad.