Anthony Parker... plays with the cavs. Also has another brother Marcus.
Candace Nicole Parker
I do not know her exact favorite song but it is something by Jay-Z
Candace Kroslak's birth name is Candace Kaye Kroslak.
Candace Cotton's birth name is Candace Shana Cotton.
Candace TenBrink's birth name is Candace Allie TenBrink.
Candace Mead's birth name is Candace Lynn Mead.
Candace Garvey's birth name is Candace M. Henderson.
Candace Bailey's birth name is Candace Kaye Bailey.
The name Candice is a variant of Candace.
Candace is a Greek name so if most Greeks speak Spanish Candace is Spanish for Candace.
Mi nombre es Candace Me llamo Candace
Yes it is a nice name. The name Candace meeans white light if that helps.