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Q: What is Basket size in retail?
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How is the retail price index calculated?

by taking a basket of stuff and measuring the inflation

How big can a gift basket be for any occasion?

There is no limit to the size gift basket you can get for an an occasion.

How many eggs can you put in an empty square shaped basket?

That all depends on the size of the basket.

How many eggs can you put in a basket?

depends, lets say you have six eggs and they are 3 centimeters you can put them all in an 60 cm long and 10 cm deep basket put if the eggs are 7 centimeters and you have a basket which is 10x10 it wouldn't fit inside it, im trying to explain that it depends on the size of the egg and the basket.

How many people can be in a hot air balloon basket?

Depends on the size of the basket, the weight/fit of the tires. Etc

How many chocolate bunnies can you fit into a empty Easter basket?

1. after that it is no longer empty 2. it depends on the size of the Easter basket

What size should a sixteen year old basket net be?

NBA size (or an 18 inch diameter)

Is it easier to make a basket with a boys basketball or a girls basketball?

A girls basketball is easier to make a basket with because of the size and weight no matter the gender

How many eggs can you put in an empty basket?

It depends on the size of the basket -.-

How many turtles can you fit in a basket?

eleventythousand and nintytwo - ok, realy.... it depends on the size of the turtles and the basket none because you dont haven a a basket ha ha ha ha chepo dude mangina

What is the original size of the still life painting with the basket of apples?

50x61 cm.