Jeff Allen is number 71 on the Kansas City Chiefs.
Jeff Allen plays for the Kansas City Chiefs.
Jeff Allen plays Offensive Line for the Kansas City Chiefs.
Stedman Bailey plays for the St. Louis Rams.
Tim Allen - television and movie actor Woody Allen - actor, director, writer Marcus Allen - football player for Kansas City Chiefs and Oakland Raiders Krista Allen - actor
1993 Marcus Allen Kansas City Chiefs Running back
The phone number of the Allen County Jail is: 620-365-3051.
Through the 2008 season, no. He played with the Kansas City Chiefs between 2004-2007 and the Minnesota Vikings in 2008.
The phone number of the Allen-Lambe House Foundation is: 316-687-1027.
Jared Allen, DE joined the Minnesota Vikings on April 22, 2008 in a trade from the Kansas City Chiefs. He was exchanged for a first round pick, and two third round picks.
There is no certain answer but some of the best in franchise history include; Marcus Allen, Priest Holmes, and Christian Okoye
Raiders chiefs