Shaun Alexander is not on the seahawks
That is private
As of now, there is no recorded fan email address for Alexander Rybak at this time, but he has a facebook, so if you want to get in touch with him, you can through
i have adress email for alexander:hot-stuff_alexander your welcome
Alexander Rybak didn't give out his e-mail address, but, surprisingly, he gave out his Myspace and his Face book. They are for Facebook- Alexander Rybak to find him, and for Myspace it's Alexander Rybak, and his exact page is the 3rd one down.
no i do not have his date of birth but here is his email so you can ask him yourself!!
well.. I have His Home Address IF you WAnt it Find It Out Yerself Because He Needs His Privacy
Hot-stuff_Alexander I dont know but if i could guess it would be
Yes, Alexander does have a facebook. He has several "fan made" facebook pages, but he has an official one with email addresses you can write to, and you can connect with him. It's the real one because I wrote to him and he sent me a personalized autograph.
Nope, celebrities usually don't give out personal information such as email, addresses and most definitely, phone numbers.