Through August 12, 2016, Alex Rodriguez had a career batting average of .295.
Through August 12, 2016, Alex Rodriguez has a career batting average of .295.
Alex Rodriguez had a .204 batting average with 54 at bats in 1994.
Alex Rodriguez had a .286 batting average in 2009.
Alex Rodriguez 2005 statsAlex Rodriguez Had a .321 batting average, hit 48 home runs, and 130 RBIs in 2005.
Alex Rodriguez has one batting title. He won it in 1996 with the Seattle Mariners.
Alex Rodriguez (20) batted .3577 in 1996 to lead the league.
Ivan Rodriguez has a career batting average of .298.
Through the 2008 season, AROD has a postseason batting average of .279 in 39 games. He has 41 hits in 147 at bats with 9 doubles, 7 home runs, and 17 RBIs.
In 1994, Alex Rodriguez played in 17 games, all for the Seattle Mariners, and batting in all of them. He had 54 at bats, getting 11 hits, for a .204 batting average, with 1 sacrifice hit, 1 sacrifice flie, and 2 runs batted in. He was walked 3 times. He struck out 20 times. He hit only singles.
Alex Rodriguez is of Dominican heritage.
Alex Rodriguez is of Dominican descent.
.260 in all playoff games as a Yankee. In some series he has been spectacular; in others, not so much.