Azas's population is 506.
The area of Azas is 12.83 square kilometers.
Hadji Boediardjo has written: 'Penerangan rakjat dengan azas Pantjawara' -- subject(s): Birth control
M. Khoidin has written: 'Pengajuan upaya hukum banding, kasasi, dan peninjauan kembali dalam perkara perdata di Pengadilan Negeri Jember' 'Suatu tinjauan hukum terhadap pelaksanaan azas peradilan cepat dalam pemeriksaan perkara perdata pada tingkat banding di Pengadilan Tinggi Surabaya, Jawa Timur'
Whether you mean 84° east or 84° west, there are hundreds either way.Here are enough items to show you where each of those meridians is on the earth:84° east longitude:A line roughly through Tomsk and Novosibirsk in Russia, Ust-Kamenogorsk in Kazakhstan,western China, central Nepal, and eastern India.84° west longitude:A line roughly through Nunavut in northern Canada, Bay City and Ann Arbor in Michigan,Dayton in Ohio, Winchester in Kentucky, Knoxville in Tennessee, Atlanta and Albany inGeorgia, Tallahassee in Florida, the west end of Cuba, the east ends of Nicaragua andHonduras, and the center of Costa Rica.