The worst injury would be a broken neck and has been suffered by several players including Darryl Stingley of the Patriots in 1978, Reggie Brown of the Lions in 1997, and Kevin Everett of the Bills in 2007. Brown regained full functions and is doing well. Everett has made a remarkable recovery and is walking again. Stingley spent the rest of his life as a quadriplegic.
10/28/10 there is exactly 1023457 injuries in woman basketball history
I've been playing basketball my whole life and I have gotten plenty of injuries. My cousin on the other hand, has been playing football and we have the same amount of injuries but his are more severe
sprained ancle
It was a knee and elbow injury.
Carpet burn for one
injuries to the face, hand, legs, ankle, shoulder, and feet.
Broken bones, infections and dislocations
There is no set age for when basketball players retire. Some retire early due to injuries. Players generally retire, however, when they are about 35. When they are far past their prime and injuries plague their play, players are bound to retire.