roy chubby brown
Roy 'Chubby' Brown was born on February 3, 1945.
Net worth Roy chubby brown
Roy "Chubby" Brown was born on February 3, 1945. He was born with the name Royston Vasey, but changed his name to better suit his performances and because he is chubby.
UK comedian Roy "Chubby" Brown is 72 years old (birthdate February 3, 1945).
because he is a comedian
Roy Chubby Brown is an English stand up comedian. He is most famous for his sarcastic blue humor and controversial nature of his comedic acts that rarely appear on television.
Roy 'Chubby' Brown, real name Royston Vasey, was born on 5th February, 1945 which makes him 64 years old.
roy chubby brown
Roy Chubby Brown is an adult themed comedian from the north of England. Real name Royston Vasey: not for those of a delicate persuasion, a personal view: Hilarious !
Apart from the fictional village in league of gentlemen being named after him, its Roy "chubby" Brown.
Louth, Lincolnshire