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A full bottle of water

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Aaron Navon

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2y ago
dik in your puuussy daddy

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Q: What has more inertia a full water bottle sitting on a desk or a football player running with the ball?
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How do mass and inertia make it easier to pick up an epmty juice bottle than a full juice bottle?

Because there is much more mass in the full juice bottle making it have more inertia making it harder to pick up. You are very welcome. Dance A$$

How do mass and inertia make it easier to pick up an empty juice bottle than a full juice bottle?

When picking up an empty juice bottle, there is less mass to lift compared to a full juice bottle, which requires overcoming the additional weight of the juice inside. Inertia also plays a role, as the full juice bottle will have more inertia due to its greater mass, making it more resistant to being lifted compared to the empty bottle.

Why does Zima make your butt hurt?

You're sitting on the bottle.

What can be a football analogy for vacuole?

The vacuole in a cell can be compared to the equipment room in a football team's facility. Just like how the equipment room stores and manages all the gear needed for the players, the vacuole stores and regulates important molecules and nutrients within the cell. Both play crucial roles in supporting the overall functioning of the team or cell.

What to do when you have foreign matter in bottle of beer you puurchase sitting and floating inside at the bottom of beer bottle?

Bring it to the attention of the seller.

How do mass and inertia make it easier to pick up an empty juice bottle and a full juice bottle?

An empty bottle has less mass than a full bottle. This means that the empty bottle has less force to overcome when lifted which corresponds to less work to lift it.

What are the release dates for Mr- Bean The Animated Series - 2002 Cat-Sitting The Bottle 1-14?

Mr- Bean The Animated Series - 2002 Cat-Sitting The Bottle 1-14 was released on: USA: 2002

Why cant you play football without a ball?

you can play it with a bottle

How much are football players being paid in other countries?

1p with a coke bottle

How does inertia affect the ketchup in the bottle?

Inertia causes the ketchup to resist changes in its state of motion, so when you try to get the ketchup to come out of the bottle by squeezing it or tapping it, the ketchup initially stays in place due to its inertia. Once enough force is applied to overcome the inertia, the ketchup starts to flow out of the bottle.

Where should I purchase a water bottle for running?

If you are interested in buying a water bottle for running, I highly reccommend you looking at your local Sports Chek. They have many to choose from, from plastic ones to metal ones, as well as how much water they hold.