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It is called a foul

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Q: What happens when the batter in baseball hits a line drive off the pitchers mound and directly into the dugout?
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What is the time a batter has to react to hitting a baseball?

when it comes out the pitchers hand

If a baseball is thrown at 103mph and travels 60.5 feet how long does the ball take to get to the batter after it leaves the pitchers hand?

0.39 seconds

What Is a south paw's stat?

A southpaw is a lefty. Sports like baseball track the stats of pitchers and batter also by noting the predominant side of brain.

What is a pitchers count?

A pitchers count is when the pitcher is leading the count and not the batter he is facing. (ex. If the count is 1-2 it would be a pitchers count because there are more strikes then balls.)

When you change pitchers during an at bat which pitcher is responsible for that batter?

The 2nd one.

Has a major league baseball player ever made three outs in one inning?

No, not a batter. Pitchers have struck out the side, and there have been unassisted triple plays though

How far is the pitchers mound from the batter in girls softball-in-primary?

25 foot steps.

Is it legal to switch pitchers during an at bat?

Yes, there is no restriction on changing pitchers during an at bat, unless the current pitcher just entered the game and the batter is the first batter he faces. The pitcher must face at least one batter before he can be replaced, unless the pitcher is injured, or ejected from the game.

In baseball what happens if a batter inadvertantly kicks the baseball while running to first base?

If he is running outside the baseline as he legally should, it's a foul ball. If he happens to be in the field of play he's out.

In baseball what happens to a batter who with two strikes atempts to bunt and fouls the ball?

In MLB, according to Rule 6.05(d) the batter is called out. The play is scored as a strikeout.

What is the origin of the idiom 'hang in there'?

Pitchers prefer batters to stand at an increased distance from the plate because this makes it easier to get them out with an outside pitch. In order to persuade the batter to stand further from the plate, pitchers will throw one or more pitchers very close to the batter's body hoping that the instinctive fear of being hit by a pitch will cause the batter to stand further from the plate on the next pitch. When the batter's teammates see this happening, they will shout encouragement to the batter telling him to "hang in there". In other words, don't move away from the plate and thereby give an advantage to the pitcher. Also nautical: Relief is coming soon.

What action happens when a runner advances to a base without any action form a batter in baseball?

a steal or balk