In volleyball you have to win by 2 points so if the score is 18-18 and you are playing to 19 (the regulation score for club teams) then if one team gets 20-18 they win. This CAN go on forever back and forth but it is most likely that the head or the team reffing the match had a set score to play to and then the team that reaches that score first wins NOT MATTER WHAT! These rules may vary for each tournament.
be the first team to get to 25 or in a tie braker game to 15
Before a tie in any game, there is an extra "overtime" period, which is essentially another quarter or period of the game. If there is still a tie after this, there may be a second overtime, or tie listed in the standings.
I am assuming that you mean the red and white pole attached to the net, and if the volleyball touches that during the game, the other team would get the point and the ball
three teams have 1loss and 1 win ,how to do computation for triple tie breaker quotient system
The game of volleyball goes up to 15 points.
A match in volleyball is a game to 25 but before it was a game to 15.
In poker, a tie occurs when two or more players have the same hand ranking. In the event of a tie, the pot is divided equally among the tied players.
There can not be a tie at the end of the regular time period of the game. If there is, the teams play overtime. If neither team scores in overtime (15 minutes) in regular season, the game ends in a tie. There are no ties in the playoffs.
A Volleyball Player?
It just ends the game or if its a semi final you get 2 minutes more to play on the court.
it just ends