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If a player gets hurt during a game of soccer, the ref will blow the whistle if it is due to a foul, but however if it was an off the ball incident he will wait until the ball goes out of play unless it is a suspected head injury. The player who gets hurt may require medical attention, once the medics and physio have been on the player must be taken off the pitch. The player if fit enough has to wait until the referee waves him on. If he is not fit enough the manager will have to take him off and substitute him with another player, however, if they have no substitutions left they must play with a player less.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

When a soccer player is injured, the referee (who has responsibility for administering activities) has a number of options. The options the referee has are generally determined by the age group and league rules. Let's look at a couple of situations and what happens in those cases when a player is injured.

When a pair of professional, national or international teams are playing, the FIFA rules apply without "dilution" for injuries. In those cases, if a player is injured while the ball is in play and no foul or other infraction has occurred (which would cause the referee to blow his whistle and make a call), play continues. There is no rule in the Laws of the Game that requires the referee to stop play for only an injury. Play will generally continue until there is a reason for the referee to stop play. What we saw in the World Cup was a situation where a player was injured and no foul occurred, and one of the players who had control of the ball delilberately kicked it out of play. The referee then blew his whistle, suspended play, and called those assigned to provide medical assistance onto the field. (He also added time to account for that lost during this period.)

In recreation, the referee often can stop the game for an injury by blowing his whistle even though he is not assessing a foul. Medical assistance is provided by the coach, assistant coach, trainer(s) or those assigned to provide assistance in this instance. After the injured player has been assisted or carried from the field and a substitute is on, play is restarted, often with a drop ball. (Remember that no foul had occurred.) As a reminder, for most players and for most games, the referee will have to make a decision about what to do. In these "non-professional" games, he will beusing his power to uphold his responsibility to provide a safe environment for players as the instrument which allows him to stop play (even though no foul or other infraction occurrred), and then get those individuals needed to provide assistance to the injured player onto the field to render assistance.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes they are paid even when they are hurt. As they are paid a weekly salary according to their contract. And the club looks after their medical bills as wsell.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Their career is over.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

He schedules a visit with his doctor.

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