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Firstly, Field Hockey uses a ball not a puck. Secondly, no, use of the back of the stick is against the rules; however use of the edge in some situations is perfectly legal and even acknowledged as good play.

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15y ago
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14y ago

In Ice Hockey, if you throw it at some one to poke the puck away or trip them, I believe that it's a penalty or a penalty shot.

In field hockey, you will probably be given a yellow card, along with the appropriate penalty.

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If it influences play in any way, then this is considered a foul, and a free hit is given to the other team.

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12y ago

It's quite common for a player to use the back of his stick to control the puck. If he uses it for something else, such as to strike another player, that would be a penalty.

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What side of the stick is used in field hockey?

Its when you turn your stick completely around so you can pull the ball away from the opposite offender.

What do hockey players use to hit the puck?

No, you can only use the flat side of the stick. You can never use the round side.

What side is the wrong side of the stick in hockey?

the chubby one

Which side of a stick should you not use during a game of hockey?

The rounded side. If it has 2 flat sides you can use both sides. *When holding the stick with the hook facing away from the body, the side on the left (the "flat" side) is the playing surface. The side on the right is the back of the stick and cannot be used to play the ball at any time. This holds even if the stick is flat. However the edges can be used to a certain extent.

What does the hockey term just wide stick side mean?

"Stick side" is relative to the goalie. If a shot misses the net to the side of the goal that the goalie holds his stick, it is wide stick side. "Just wide" means missing by a small amount.

What is a forehand in field hockey?

Using the stick in the usual manner, with the stick and ball on the right hand side of the body.

What is a full right goalie stick?

A goalie which holds his blocker and hockey stick on the left side and his glove (trapper) on the right side is known as a Full Right goalie. The stick that the goalies hold in the left hand is a full right goalie stick.

What is the posistion a wingman in ice hockey?

A wingman in hockey is a nickname for a Winger. A Winger is an ice hockey forward. Their role is to stick to the boards and help with offensive rushes, and scoring. Wingers can be either "Left" or "Right" and as implied, stick to whichever side they are assigned to. Wingers also fight for the puck first when it is pushed against the side boards.

What sport is mostly played by women and you can only use one side of the stick?

It's field hockey

In a game of hockey what part of the stick do you use?

The side which is the left of the stick when the hook is facing away from the body. For almost all sticks, this will be the flat (or flatter) side - there is normally a noticeable difference.

What 3 rules which apply to the stick in field hockey?

you must hit the the ball with the flat side of the stick. you must keep the bottom of the stick below knee level when tackling you have to hit the ball and not the opponents stick

How do you stick handle in floor hockey?

The same way people do when they are playing ice hockey be use a ball not a puck the puck will flip on its side and makes it very hard to handle.