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There are several situations in which the ball might be raised, and there are some general statements about what to do in most. Note that this is a long list, but by no means complete or exact. Only experience will help in applying the rules or ideas behind them.


  • These statements always hold, no matter what.
  • If the ball is raised at or into another player, the player who raised it should be penalised appropriately.
  • If the ball is raised at or into another player, but the second player made no attempt to play the ball - i.e. just ran in the way - then they should be penalised instead.
  • A player with goalkeeping privileges does not count as "another player" for the purposes of having a ball raised at them.

From a free hit:

  • If the ball is raised directly from a free hit of any kind, in any way, it should be penalised. This should not be confused with first playing the ball in an autopass, then raising it.

Deliberately raising the ball:

  • If the ball is deliberately raised by a hit while in play, it should be penalised as this is directly against the rules.
  • The exception to the above is for a shot at goal. This is fully permitted.

The penalty corner:

  • The exception to this exception is for the first shot at a penalty corner, if that shot is a hit (a sweep or slap is a hit). The shot cannot enter or be on a path that will make it enter the goal at above 460 millimetres, but can go above this height while travelling there.
  • After the first shot has been played, any further shot is considered in the normal way.
  • Any flick as a shot at goal may be raised to any height. If a player is hit below the knee, this is the same as a foot. If they are within 5 metres and hit above the knee, the ball is raised dangerously. If they are outside 5 metres and hit anywhere on the body, then a penalty corner or stroke may be awarded as appropriate. This is the only exception to the "danger" statements.

The aerial ball/overhead pass:

  • A ball may be raised by a flick or scoop while in play. If the ball would land in a crowded area, the team who did not raise the ball is given a free hit where it was raised.
  • If there is a clear initial receiver, all opposing players must be 5 metres from them until the ball is controlled and on the ground.
  • If there is no clear initial receiver, a free hit is given to the team that did not raise the ball at the point it would have landed.
  • The goalkeeper may be the initial receiver. In this case, they are permitted to stop or deflect the ball in any way they usually would.
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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

There is no such thing as "too high" in Field Hockey, unless you were to count the limitation on the first shot at goal during a penalty corner. In that case, an umpire will usually make their call based on simply "too high"

The only consideration on a raised ball is for whether it is dangerous, defined as 'causing legitimate evasive action'.

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In field hockey, the ball is normally white, dimpled, made of hard plastic and around the size of a fist; most are hollow to achieve the correct weight. In ice hockey, a puck is used instead. It is normally black, smooth and made of hard solid rubber.

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100 miles/hr

Is there a specific bounce height for a field hockey ball?

No. The only specifications required for a legal hockey ball are the weight and size (and sometimes colour).

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yes, hockey players do play with a hard ball. It is smooth depending on the brand e.g - kookaburra

How do you know who gets the ball first in field hockey?

Coin toss

How did they play field hockey?

by hitting a ball round a pitch with a stick!

How do score in field hockey UK?

you hit the heavy ball in the goal

What equipment is needed to play floor hockey?

To play floor hockey, one would need a lightweight plastic ball, or a heavier ball. Sometimes a normal hockey stick, field hockey or bandy sticks are required.