The named substitute must leave the technical area and is no longer an eligible substitute. Most leagues also require that this player miss the next match as well.
Their team is not required to remove a player from the field, nor do they lose any of their 3 allowed substitution opportunities.
1 sub zero card
In professional games, you don't have to sit out at all. In American high school games you must sub out when you receive the card, but your coach can sub you back in as soon as the next legal substitution opportunity. There is no official time limit.
A sub pack happens to apear when a submarine is at port on Yu-gi-oh Gx Spirit Callers, it only appears on the day it is on port in the card shop. There are diffrent packs you can get from it.
Referring to Fútbal (non American Football): Depending on what type of positioning you're talking about. There are always 11 players on field however (10 players plus a goalie), unless someone is given a red card. Nobody can sub for people that received a red car. Major Edit by Giovanni Mauro
No they're not. A player gets a yellow card when they have done something bad, 2 yellow cards for the same player in one game, equals a red card, when a red card is shown the player must leave the pitch, they are not even allowed to go back to the sub bench with their team mates they must return to the locker room
The plot and sub-plots are what "happens" in a story.
A sub prime credit card usually has higher interest rates and a lower credit limit than a regular card, but they can be used by borrowers with a lower credit score. Most major issuers issue them, but some smaller issuers also specialize in sub prime lending.
We already do, its called "Papercrafts", I categorized this Question in this Sub-category.
they get another sub
The size of the largest sub grid within the given grid is determined by the number of rows and columns it contains.
90 degree
the best card is the sub zero stig and to reveal its code you put it in your freezer