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basically what happens is there would be lots of people (an audience, sorry for bad spelling) and they will be asking questions, also obviously the press will be there taking photos and asking questions about the subject they will ether ask a celebrity questions or a person that is normal because they have done something bad or good.

sorry if it isn't detailed I'm only 11 its the best I can do ...

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To draw attention to a news item often a press conference is held. Reporters and other key people are invited where a statement is typically given and a brief question period is entertained.

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How do you cite a press conference in mla?

To cite a press conference in MLA format, include the presenter's name, the title of the conference (if available), the sponsoring organization, the location, and the date. For example: Last name, First Name. "Title of Press Conference (if available)." Sponsoring Organization, Location, Date.

Presidential press conference are attended?

the White House Press Corps.

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The cast of Press Conference - 1956 includes: Martha Rountree as Moderator (1956-1957)

How to plan a press conference?

Planning a press conference is very easy and straightforward. You just need to contact media houses and invite them to your preferred venue and ensure that you have your press brief ready.

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To make a press conference, the organization should contact the various media houses. The organization should pick a place and time and then make their presentations to the reporters.

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Who holds a press conference?

Police, celebrities, politicians. Anyone with an announcement for the press.

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The president held a press conference while he was in Mexico, during the G20 economic summit, on June 19, 2012.

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Vigilante Project - 2012 Press Conference was released on: USA: 5 December 2012

What year was the first presidential new conference fimled for television and who was the preisdent?

In 1955, Dwight Eisenhower was the first to have a press conference filmed to be broadcast on TV. John Kennedy gave the first live press conference.