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Q: What hand was the glove on?
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Hand is to glove as hand is to?


How many pages does The Hand in the Glove have?

The Hand in the Glove has 284 pages.

Which hand do you wear a batting glove?

I have played my whole life and experienced that wearing batting gloves on both hands affects better. because with out gloves when you hit the ball you can sting your hand when the bat has contact with the ball wearing the gloves prevents the sting.

When was The Hand in the Glove created?

The Hand in the Glove was created on 1937-09-16.

What are the Esperanto words for hand and glove?

The Esperanto words for hand and glove are manojn and ganto.

Does a left handed glove go on your left hand or does that mean if you are left handed get this glove?

If you are left handed, you throw the baseball with your left hand, so in this case the left handed glove goes on a left handed persons right hand so they catch with glove on right hand and then pull the ball out of mitt and throw with left hand. - It means if you are left handed get this glove but you will wear it on your right hand.

What does left throw mean when buying a softball glove?

well first off do you mean throwing with your left hand and if so you need a glove for your right hand

What is a reg hockey goalie catch glove?

It means that the glove is for the left hand of the goalie. Since most goalies have their catch glove on their left hand, it is considered "regular." If the goalie uses their right hand for their catch glove, it is considered "full right."

What item can only be filled and emptied by hand?

water , glove

When you catch a softball your hand in a glove move in the same direction that the ball is moving analyze the motion of your hand and glove in the terms of momentum?

When you catch a softball, your hand and the glove move in the same direction that the ball is moving to cushion the impact and reduce the force on your hand. This action conserves momentum, as the momentum of the ball is transferred to your hand and glove system upon contact, leading to a decrease in the ball's momentum and an increase in the momentum of your hand and glove system.

When do you wear golf glove on hand all the time you play or when you drive the ball?

You take the glove off when putting. Otherwise, it stays on the hand.

Can a pitcher wear a batting glove or wear a wrist band on his glove hand?