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I think that you are referring to the superbowl, but before that, there is the two divsion championship games that decide who plays in the superbowl.

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Q: What game played every January to determine the championship of the NFL?
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What game is played every January to determine the championship of nfl?

super bowl

What game is played every January to determine the championship's of the national football league?

I think that you are referring to the superbowl, but before that, there is the two divsion championship games that decide who plays in the superbowl.

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No. It is every 4 years.

Is it true that the world cup championship is every 5 years?

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Is the wold cup championship every 5 years?


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The rugby world championship is held every four years and varies in where it is held each time. The latest championship for rugby union was held in France though.