The smart ones. UNC may have the best Basketball team on the planet...but the football team isn't much to cheer about.
Seriously though...there is an infinite number of FUTURE NFL players who will go to schools other than UNC. Unless someone has a crystal ball to predict the future...that may be the best answer you'll get.
He entered in 1816 and graduated in 1818.
5 million thousen 125
Both males and females attend UNC.
danny green
A UNC Chapel Hill Women's Basketball player.
minesota timberwolves
what is unc unc unc unc unc can someone give the answer ultimate fighting championship is on tonight!!!
Duke has 18, UNC has 17.
she is famous baller!! player for the unc for girls baller team
The Campus Detective at TuitionBid (website) lets you input your school in a search and gives you a breakdown of the school's aid policy and history of giving. You can find UNC Chapel Hill at the link below.