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forces are used in volleyball when you are bending your knees to bump the ball, when you are setting the ball to a hitter(wings), when you are serving under hand, and serving over hand (spiking). There are forces in every sport in EVERTHING! Otherwise the world would be still!

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16y ago
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12y ago

Well, to swim there is a force like a drag and many more. You need forces to kick a ball, to shoot a ball to run too!! So forces are used in sports, there are many sports so there are many forces!!

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11y ago

You answer it becuase i want to know the answer stupid people.

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12y ago

push and pull,muscular force gravitational force

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15y ago

to adjust a volleyball net

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12y ago

Muscles and Directioners power

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Q: What forces are used in netball?
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What are the forces for netball?

there is not any forces whilst playing netball, it is a game for girls...

Should communication be used on a netball court?

yes it should be used in all netball games

Why the ball is used in netball?

If there was no ball it would not be called netball it would be called net

What size ball is used in netball?

a size 4 ball is used for high 5 netball (which is what younger players play) and a size 5 ball is what is used in 7s netball which is what adults play x

How are the biceps used in a netball pass?

cause you use your biceps whenever you do passing in netball. I play netball. even though I'm 13 -Tillie

When can a substitute be used in netball?

when a player is injured

What technology is used in netball?

Well honey, in netball, they use good old-fashioned technology called a whistle to keep those sassy players in line. Other than that, it's just a ball, a court, and a whole lot of attitude. No fancy gadgets or gizmos needed for this game, just pure skill and determination.

How is anaerobic power used in Netball?

Short quick bursts of energy, like jumping or leading.

Who are the netball officials?

no, sometimes tv's are used to watch

Why is ATP-PC used in netball?

ATP-PC system is used for high intensity short bursts of energy such as sprinting... In netball it is used when leading for the ball or the centre driving to the circle. it can also be used when jumping for a high pass.

What is the venue for netball?

you play netball on a netball court :)

How is positioning used in netball?

Positioning is used by the players position on the court according to the hoop