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Manu of course!

lol nah it was WBA

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Q: What football team is the worst in the premeire league?
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What is the UK's worst football team?

Officially, in the Football League, Torquay are.

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Are tottenham the worst team football in the world?

Obvoiusly not. They wouldn't be in the premier league if they are the worst club in the world. :)

What is the worst football team?

Germany are the worst football team known to man everyone in it is rubbish. I know a Germany secret they cheat they have a leg device that plays the football. Germany are pathetic

Is Portsmouth fc the worst football team in the Barclays Premier League?

Quite simply, yes!!

Who is the worst college football team?

Army is the worst college football team!

What football team is the worst in the football team in the world cup?

come on this aint football this is succer the worst sport in history

Are the Houston Texans the worst team in the league?

The worst team in the league would be the one that was bottom of the league in that particular season.

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Celtic football

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What team has the worse record in football the year?

The worst record in the National Football League (American Football) for 2008 is held by the Detroit Lions, with 0 wins and 16 losses.

Is Derby the worst football team?

no its not the worst football team if you really want to start on bad football teams it would be the college team KU and NFL team the Detroit Lions