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Q: What football team is hot epidermis?
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Crimson epidermis is a nickname for what football team?

The Washington Redskins.

The Portugal football team is hot?

Oh no it is not hot, only Ronaldo is hot.

Who is the hottest player in the football team Liverpool?

Andy Carrolle is absolutely HOT HOT HOT. Love his pony tail

What is john cena favourite football team?

Totting ham hot spurs

What team in football was john cena on in college?

Springfeild (also his college is named spring feild and tottenham hot spurs

A fantasy football team name that has to do with the Minnesota Vikings and hot flashes?

Type your answer here... Purple Helmets

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The Dixie Stars.

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Football team

What soccer team is better Spain or Portugal?

Spain are the better team, play better football but portugal have hot looking player and some true and dedicated fans

What is the team Bengals?

A football team in the National Football League, of American style football.

What is the setting of a football team?

The setting of a football team is the arrangement of how football team players play football on the pitch e.g 442

What is Jamie oliver favourite football team?

football team