Yes, Lenox College of Hopkinton, Iowa, did indeed have a football team. The school is known to have fielded a collegiate football team as early as 1895.
Well Apparently he is a big fan of Arsenal he said at an Interview and Favourite was Thierry Henry Before he moved to Barcalona it is unclear who is Lewis's Favourite player now
He liked Birmingham. I don't know if CS Lewis had any football teams in mind. He lived in Britain, I believe, which means football was not one of their main sports, like it is here in America. Your question should probably be, "What cricket team did CS Lewis like?" :)
She doesn't support any football team yet.
Yes Adele does support a football team and it is Tottenham hotspurs(spurs) as she was born in tottenham
Glasgow rangers
Caine is a fan of the football team Chelsea FC.
She doesn't support a team in the priemership but she supports England.
None, he can not support a team now as he is dead.
Celtic Football Club.