the opposite foot of the hand you throw with in most cases
so if you throw with your right hand then you step with your left foot and vice versa.
The foot that's opposite of your throwing arm
T, step, L, throw. Stand in the shape of a T, step forward with the foot closet to the direction you throwing, bring your throwing arm next to your head in an L position, then throw.
Jacob Black. :) He says this after Bella is throwing a tantrum.
First, take a step with right foot then left foot then turn over right shoulder. Or take step with left foot then right foot then turn over left shoulder.
The length of an average foot step is about 1.6 feet for a child. The average foot step is 2.2 to 2.6 feet for an adult.
just let your other foot step sideward and followed by the next foot do the same
You step on there foot and maybe they will step back.
A step ball change is pretty much how it sounds you step with 1 foot with the other behind and transfer your weight on to your back foot then back to the foot in front.
The ancient Greeks competed in chariot racing, wrestling, javelin throwing, discus throwing, and foot races.
It's a stationary move you do to create space. There is the jab step, where you step to the outside with your non pivot foot, and the cross step where you step across your body with your off pivot foot.
right foot