yossi benayoun and florent malouda sergio ramos sedou keita (not sure of spelling) peter crouch i beileve rafa marquez wore that number for a short period?
Diontea Forrest
There have been numerous basketball players to wear the number 13 jersey. The most famous person was Wilt Chamberlain. Other players were Maurice Ager, Corey Brewer, and Luigi Datome.
george mikan, the basketball legend who made basketball a nationally recognized sport. he wore thick glasses for his nearsightedness
Dwayne wade
Kevin Grevey wore # 35.
Vince Carter Michael Jordan
Allen iverson chris paul Tracy mcgrady trevor ariza dwyane wade
There were many famous basketball players who wore number 12. Some of those players were Toby Bailey, Jim Barnes, John Barnhill, Drew Barry, and Josh Powell.
Brian Shorter for Pitt
George lynch
Johnny Dawkins