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Q: What does wood mean in argentinian?
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Bamboo Wood I belive

What does soy argentino mean in English?

That means "I am an Argentinian".

What does tengo ganos de vos mean?

It is Argentinian Spanish for: "I have desires for you"

How do you say im Argentinian?

soy Argentinian.

What dot eh colors on the argentinian flag mean?

Gabz waz ere

What is an Argentinian?

An Argentinian is a native or resident of Argentina.

Are 'Argentine' and 'Argentinian' synonyms?

Argentine, Argentinian and Argentinean are all valid.

What does Queres ir mean - Portuguese to English?

Querés ir = Do you want to go? (in Argentinian Spanish)

What does the Argentinian word pibe mean in English?

The word "pibe" in Argentinian Spanish translates to "kid" or "boy" in English. It's a colloquial term commonly used to refer to a young person, especially a teenager.

What is an Afro-Argentinian?

An Afro-Argentinian is another name for an Afro-Argentine, an Argentine of African descent.

What is the continent of Argentinian?

The country of Argentina is on the continent of South America. A person from Argentina or of Argentine descent is an Argentinian.