The soccer term "finishing" means to finish the ball or to score.
It can either mean that someone is a coward, or it can be a gay term for a very young gay man.
there is no trrm hard for coking
Chicken out. Be afraid of something and opt out.
This means to be known as a coward.
Banti - a non-technical term sometimes used to mean 'bantam'. Barbicels Cape - narrow feathers between a chicken's neck and back.
A spring chicken is the farmer's term for one born in the latest spring. This idiom is saying you're not very young.
In soccer, "pitch" refers to the playing field where the game is held. It is a grass or artificial surface where players compete during a match. The pitch is typically rectangular in shape and marked with lines for different areas of play.
Literally it means "My chicken"... but it is a French endearment term, like a pet name
"Biddy" in Gullah refers to a young girl or woman, usually a servant or worker. It is a term of endearment or familiarity.
the eye of a chicken.