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Q: What does the settlement conference do after a mistrial is declared?
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Does the state prosecutor have to get new jurors after a mistrial has been declared?

If a mistrial has been declared, a new jury is seated if the prosecutor brings the case again.

Can someone be retried for murder in the state of Texas after a mistrial was declared?

Yes, a mistrial does not mean he was found not guilty.

What is the next step if a mistrial is declared in Virginia?

all people involved will be executed

When is a mistrial declared?

A mistrial is declared when a trial is terminated without a verdict due to an error or misconduct that could prevent a fair outcome, such as a jury being unable to reach a unanimous decision, improper jury selection, or a procedural error that affects the rights of the defendant. This results in the need for a new trial to be conducted.

How many sets of juries have to come to a hung decision before a case is thrown out?

It doesn't work that way. If the jury is truly hung, a mistrial will be declared. After the mistrial, the parties decide whether to have a new trial with a new jury. In the event that the second jury is hung, another mistrial would be declared, and the parties can choose to have another trial. This goes on and on until the parties settle, voluntarily opt to dismiss, or a trial results in a verdict.

What is a deadlocked jury?

A deadlocked jury is one that cannot come to a final agreement on a verdict. If they remain deadlocked, it is declared a mistrial.

Which environmental conference declared June 5 as world environment day?

stoklohem conference

What happens in the case of a hung jury?

A hung jury means a mistrial. If a mistrial is declared, the case is tried again unless the parties settle the case or a plea...

Why would there be a Settlement conference in a criminal case in California of 10 counts lewd and lascivious behavior?

A "settlement" conference? Sounds like it's a euphemism for a plea bargain session.

What is correct statement about the conference and its results?

Not everyone was happy with the settlement

Which of these is most nearly correct statement about the conference and its results?

Not everyone was happy with the settlement A+LS

What does CIV MSC HQ acronym mean?

Mandatory Settlement Conference