I believe the tiebreaker is calculated in the following manner. Sort all 32 teams (16 if only interested in the conference) by points scored. Assign a point scored rank of 1 to the highest scoring team, 2 to the next highest, etc. Repeat the procedure for points allowed. Then add the "points scored rank" to the "points allowed rank" to get the combined ranking. The lowest number wins the tiebreak. For example, the best combined rank is 2 (first in points scored + first in points allowed). Similarly, the worst combined rank is 64 (assuming 32 teams in the league). This link shows the rankings for 2006: http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?archive=false&conference=null&role=TM&offensiveStatisticCategory=SCORING&defensiveStatisticCategory=null&season=2006&seasonType=REG&tabSeq=2&qualified=true&Submit=Find Points Scored Ranks, 2006 Rk Team Points
1 San Diego Chargers 492
2 Chicago Bears 427
2 Indianapolis Colts 427
4 Dallas Cowboys 425
5 New Orleans Saints 413
Points Allowed Ranks, 2006 Rk Team Points
1 Baltimore Ravens 201
2 New England Patriots 237
3 Chicago Bears 255
4 Jacksonville Jaguars 274
5 Miami Dolphins 283 So the Bears combined rank would be [2+3=] 5. In 2006, the Bears would've won this particular tiebreaker against every other team. I'm guessing, but I assume when teams tie (like Colts & Bears in points scored) they both get the same rank value - in this case 2.
The most commonly played tiebreaker would be a 7 point tiebreaker at 6 games all.
I believe they all count for the same amount of points - 200 ATP ranking points and 2000 overall points for the South African Airlines Ranking system.
to get a higher ranking
Tennis players rotate around the net every odd game. That is they switch after the 1st game, 3rd game, 5th game, etc. For example, if the score is 1-0 they switch. If the score is 4-3, they switch. If the score is 6-5, they switch. They switch after they've played every off game.
3 points
PGATOUR.com 500 points
if you mean ageing points they age you horse by to months if you mean points you get in sports you don't have those you have a ranking
A player losing in the final of any of the 4 major championships will receive 1200 ranking points in the ATP rankings system.
Points allowed means how many points your opponent scores in a game.
The NFL has set tie-breaking procedures incase team finish with idential records. to see the complete Tie Breaking Procedure, click on the link below. from NFL.Com NFL Tie Breakers: TO BREAK A TIE WITHIN A DIVISION If, at the end of the regular season, two or more clubs in the same division finish with identical won-lost-tied percentages, the following steps will be taken until a champion is determined. Two Clubs 1. Head-to-head (best won-lost-tied percentage in games between the clubs). 2. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the division. 3. Best won-lost-tied percentage in common games. 4. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the conference. 5. Strength of victory. 6. Strength of schedule. 7. Best combined ranking among conference teams in points scored and points allowed. 8. Best combined ranking among all teams in points scored and points allowed. 9. Best net points in common games. 10. Best net points in all games. 11. Best net touchdowns in all games. 12. Coin toss Three or More Clubs (Note: If two clubs remain tied after third or other clubs are eliminated during any step, tie breaker reverts to step 1 of the two-club format). 1. Head-to-head (best won-lost-tied percentage in games among the clubs). 2. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the division. 3. Best won-lost-tied percentage in common games. 4. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the conference. 5. Strength of victory. 6. Strength of schedule. 7. Best combined ranking among conference teams in points scored and points allowed. 8. Best combined ranking among all teams in points scored and points allowed. 9. Best net points in common games. 10. Best net points in all games. 11. Best net touchdowns in all games. 12. Coin toss
The NFL would use tie breakers to determine who would get Home Field Advantage. The tie breaking procedures:Head-to-head (best won-lost-tied percentage in games between the clubs).Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the division.Best won-lost-tied percentage in common games.Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the conference.Strength of victory.Strength of schedule.Best combined ranking among conference teams in points scored and points allowed.Best combined ranking among all teams in points scored and points allowed.Best net points in common games.Best net points in all games.Best net touchdowns in all games.Coin toss