Latrell Sprewell's birth name is Latrell Fontaine Sprewell.
latrell and Monique Floyd.
Latrell Scott was born in 1975.
Latrell Sprewell is 6' 5".
Katina Latrell goes by Kat.
Dasha Chadwick's birth name is Dasha Latrell Hayden Chadwick.
Latrell Sprewell was born on September 8, 1970.
Latrell Sprewell was born on September 8, 1970.
Katina Latrell is 5' 3 1/2".
The value of a Latrell Sprewell draft pick card is $7.99. Latrell Sprewell played professional basketball from 1992 to 2005.
Latrell Sprewell is 41 years old (birthdate: September 8, 1970).
Latrell recently used his Delta Skymiles to purchase a free roundtrip ticket to Milan, Italy (value $1,200). The frequent flyer miles used to purchase the ticket were generated from Latrell's business travel as a CPA. Latrell's employer paid for his business trips, and he was not taxed on the travel reimbursement.Use an available tax research service to determine how much income, if any, does Latrell have to recognize as a result of purchasing an airline ticket with Skymiles earned from business travel.