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The Bears "C" logo actually came from my College. CARROLL COLLEGE, now called CARROLL UNIVERSITY was established in 1864, making it one of the oldest schools in the Mid-west. The Chicago Bears came to CC and bought the logo from Carroll. They made their changes by condensing the "C" to make it a tad bit smaller. Patented it, and made it their own. The reason I know this is because I played football for Carroll for 4 years from 2004-2008 and it was something all the BEARS fans and Chicago natives prided themselves on when all the stingy packer fans gave us a hard time!

Carroll College was founded in 1846. The Bears practiced on the school's field in the mid 1940's. There's an old story of a family touring the school, when the father saw the Bear's practicing on the school's field he commented, " That's the best college team I've ever seen." The rumor goes that the Bears payed the school $200 dollars for the logo, however, it's never been verified. But, there is a connection between the Bear's and Carroll.....

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

The Bears 'C' logo first appeared on the helmets in 1962

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