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Unlike in the MLB, where the winner of the All-Star game determines which team will have home-field advantage in the World Series, there is no prize for winning the All-Star game in terms of Basketball. It is merely an entertaining event.

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Q: What does the NBA all-star game count towards?
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They are still points, aren't they? Yes, they are added. Correction: Actually no, points scored in nba playoff games are not added to the total points scored in a players career. Career points scored for a player usually only refers to the regular season and does not include the nba postseason or aka playoffs. It is because technically playoff games are considered exhibition games, so while stats are also kept for these exhibition games the exhibition games do not count towards a players career total. For example the nba all-star game is also an exhibition game, so any points scored during the all star game will not count towards a players point total for the season or his career. Same goes for rebounds, blocks, assists, etc.

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you can have unlimited personal fouls. you cannot be fouled out of the game with an offensive foul, but still counts to your personal foul count.

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The NBA video game to me is NBA 2k10

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Nba: 2k10