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Q: What does the 1984 Minnesota Twins Yearbook look like?
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How many people like the Minnesota Twins?

A lot!

What is the Minnesota Twins address?

Personal questions like this are not allowed.

Why are the Minnesota Twins so awesome?

because they make their fans feel like a family and their team is awsome as well.

How do you find a yearbook from shamrock middle school?

I' m from SMS too, 1999 to 2001. Trying to find the yearbook like u. Or try to call school and order $25 for a yearbook.

Does your crush like you if he signed your yearbook?

it depends on wat he wrote

How do you get a girl to like you if you have bad yearbook picture?

u dont

How do you like other peoples yearbook on stardoll?

Go to their suite and select 'yearbook' at the top of the page. Then on the tasks where there is a heart, click on it and click the heart in the corner :)

What should you write in your crushes yearbook and he already knows i like him?

I hope you like me back ;)

Who won the major baseball league in 2009?

Th World Winners were the New York Yankees. Preferably I like Joe Mauer's Minnesota Twins In the New Target Field.

What does stpg stand for in the Minnesota Twins logo?

It stands for The St. Paul Colored Gophers. It was a team in the early 1900s that helped pave the way for desegregation in baseball. The Minnesota Twins have honored them 3 times by wearing replicas during games. More than one team wears uniforms in tribute to the negro leagues.. the Indians wearing 1946 Cleveland Buckeyes throwback uniforms, and the Twins dressing like the 1909 St. Paul Gophers.

How do you sign the yearbook of someone that you really do not like?

not if you don't want to. But I would

What is a funny yearbook phrase?

School is like a lollipop, it sucks until you get to the end.